Monday, May 11, 2009

My Last Post

Well it has been a fun ride.  As I told you I was doing this for a class, and the semester is about over.  At this time in my life I do not feel called to blogging, and so I hope that my invisible followers will be able to find a new blog that will fulfill your charismatic Christian news needs.  Be blessed, and I hope to see you all at a conference soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Voice of the Prophets has come and gone...

But there is always Voice of the Apostles in the fall!  I was able to check out both of these conferences in my year in PA, and they were both amazing.  The line up changes a little, but you cannot put one over the other.  There is a little more of a party atmosphere for the Voice of the Prophets, but the teaching at Voice of the Apostles cannot be beat.  Check it out, be there, Baltimore will be the place to be that weekend.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Most everyone I have mentioned on this blog has a podcast.  I would recommend Bill Johnson's on Bethel, Redding.  You could look up all the others and if you like a certain link that I have posted, I would recommend you look for that person's blog as another way to get a hold of their teachings or new information.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Extreme Prophetic

Another ministry that I would like to let you know about is Patricia King's Extreme Prophetic ministry.  Patricia travels around and speaks at many conferences, but her main ministry is done through her television show.  If you visit the Extreme Prophetic website there are links to videos of recent shows she has filmed.  Most of the filming shows interviews with people and ministries that Patricia would like to get the word out about.  Some street evangelism or certain parts of services might also be shown in an episode of Extreme Prophetic.  I would encourage anyone looking to find out more about prophetic ministries to check out this sight.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

God Squad

A few people I know out in PA have been filming street evangelism for a little while, and there footage is amazing. It is awesome to see how God is working in the lives of people that are randomly prayed for on the side of the street. I would encourage you all to check out an episode or two of The God Squad. It will show you that God is doing amazing things through ordinary people, and it will build up your faith to know that you too can be a vessel for the power of God to work through.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus Culture

For those of you in Texas, Bethel is having a Jesus Culture Conference in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in May. May 22-24, will be a great time of training and equipping for those who attend. It will be a great opportunity to partner with Bethel in some of the great work that they are doing in the Redding, CA area. Check out the link, and find out more about this opportunity for those of you in the south.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Experiencing the Father's Embrace

Not only is the book "Experiencing the Father's Embrace" one of the most powerful books I have ever read.  But it is also the title of a conference that Shiloh Place Ministries offers to those who want to truly experience the love of God in their lives.  I would encourage anyone who has a chance to attend a conference and be blessed by the people who are a part of Shiloh Place.  While I was in PA, people from Shiloh Place came to speak at our school, and it was an amazing week for everyone at the school.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bethel's School of Worship

For those of you who are interested in learning more about worship. Bethel has an amazing lineup of worship leaders that will be able to encourage, teach, and build you up in your ministry as a worship leader. The School of Worship is June17- July 10, and is sure to be an amazing few weeks of learning and experiencing more of God.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

School of Healing and Impartation

I am finally reporting something for those of you in the Midwest.  June 10-13 Global Awakening will be hosting a School of Healing and Impartation in Ankeny, IA.  Randy Clark, Leif Hetland and Rodney Hogue will be the speakers at this conference.  You can check out the link and see if it is something worth traveling to.  I have been down to the church that is hosting the conference and it was a wonderful experience.  I encourage anyone who can to attend the conference because the healing and impartation schools are very powerful.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The African Call 2009

I have told you about the Youth Power Invasion trip that Global Awakening does. This trip will be a similar atmosphere in a different continent. The African Call is for all ages, and will take place in Kilimanjaro. If you are interested in an amazing experience with amazing people, I can recommend nothing more than a trip with Leif Hetland and his group from Global Mission Awareness.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Youth Power Invasion

For the younger crowd, there is an amazing opportunity to travel and see what God is doing in another country. Amazing things are going on in Brazil, and this trip gives you the opportunity to be a part of it. I have been to Brazil with Global Awakening, and it was a life changing trip. I encourage all who are seeking a new adventure, and amazing spiritual growth, to check this trip out. The information is on Global Awakenings website which is listed in my links. This years trip is from July 1-16th.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

For Those in the Twin Cities

I have not been mentioning many ministries in my own home town, so I will work to improve on this. One ministry that I just found out about is HEMI which is located in Blaine, just north of the cities. Harold Eatmon Ministries International is "a prophetic restoration ministry with international headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Central and South American headquarters located in Guatemala City, Guatemala." The quote is off of their webpage, and so I encourage you to check that out if you are interested in a ministry right here in the Twin Cities. I will now add the link to their webpage to my list.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rhema Bible Training Center

Diversifying a little bit, I decided to add in a Word of Faith school just in case some one is interested in it. Rhema is one of the longest standing Word of Faith churches, and was one of the forerunners in starting a ministry school. It is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you do not know much about the Word of Faith movement I would encourage you to check it out to see what they are about. I will put Rhema's link in my links so you can check it out if you so please.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missions Trips

For those of you who do not think you have the time or feel called to a year at a ministry school, there is the option of short term mission trips.  Most of these trips end up benefitting the person going more than the people in the area the trip is going to, but either way both have a chance to be incredibly blessed in the process.  I strongly recommend international trips because the spiritual atmosphere in most places outside of the U.S. is something everyone should experience.  Most of the links that I have provided are to ministries that are involved with international mission trips, so check them out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Toronto Airport Fellowship

Toronto Airport Fellowship is where the Toronto Blessing started in 1994. Since than numerous ministries have formed out of the work done at this church. A strong ministry school was formed there under the guidance of John and Carol Arnott. The school focuses on inner-healing as the way to freedom and growth in Christ. My roommate spent a year at the school, and amazing things happened in his life while he was there. I will also add a link to this school as another option for schools to look into.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bethel Church and Ministry School

Adding to the list of possibilities is the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Located in Redding, California, Bethel is the sister school to Global Awakening. With an expected enrollment of close to 700 first year students, Bethel is very large ministry school compared to the others mentioned. I have many friends out there, but my first visit is hopefully going to be this summer after graduation. I am now adding the Bethel website to my links, so give it a look if it interests you.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ministry Schools are for people of all ages

I realized I did not make this very clear, but most of the ministry schools I am listing are for people of any age.  Many people think that school is for young people, but that is not the case.  You are never too old to learn more about God, and grow further in your relationship with Him.  There are only a couple schools that have age restrictions so when you look at their webpage that is something you should check out.  If it doesn't mention an age restriction than you can assume there is not one.  The year that I was at Global, we had people ranging in age from 18 to 68.  It was amazing to see the different generations interact, grow and learn together.  Young and old can all be blessed by an extended period of time set apart for the Lord, to grow and learn in an anointed atmosphere like that which is created at these ministry schools.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

International House of Prayer

IHOP is a ministry that is based in Kansas City. Looking at the name you can tell that prayer is a major focus within this ministry. They also have started a few different schools of ministry, as well as are the base for a few major itinerant speakers. Mike Bickle, Lou Engle, and Allan Hood are a few I can name off the top of my head.
Within their framework of 24/7 prayer, a few well know musicians have been able to develop under the IHOP banner. Misty Edwards, Merchant Band, and Jason Upton are all a part of this ministry. I am adding a new link to the IHOP website, so it is in the list of links if this is something that interests you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Global Awakening School of Supernatural Ministry

My year in Harrisburg was spent as a student of the Global Awakening ministry school. We started the year with a trip to Brazil, and throughout the year had an amazing list of speakers and conferences come through the area. My year with Global changed my life, and I would highly recommend it to everyone. For those looking for an intense year of spiritual growth, I would encourage you to look into Global Awakening. Once again, in my links is one to Global Awakening's website. Check it out!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Voice of the Prophets

It is worth the travel if you can make it out to this conference in Harrisburg, PA. I spent a year in Harrisburg (2006-2007) and this conference would makes the list as a top five highlight. This year there will be an amazing lineup; which is usual for the conference. Randy Clark, Patricia King, Larry Randolph, Graham Cooke, and James Goll are just some of the speakers coming. I have no doubts that this will be an amazing weekend so I am letting those interested know about this opportunity. For more information you can look at the Global Awakening page which is one of my links.