Friday, February 27, 2009

Ministry Schools are for people of all ages

I realized I did not make this very clear, but most of the ministry schools I am listing are for people of any age.  Many people think that school is for young people, but that is not the case.  You are never too old to learn more about God, and grow further in your relationship with Him.  There are only a couple schools that have age restrictions so when you look at their webpage that is something you should check out.  If it doesn't mention an age restriction than you can assume there is not one.  The year that I was at Global, we had people ranging in age from 18 to 68.  It was amazing to see the different generations interact, grow and learn together.  Young and old can all be blessed by an extended period of time set apart for the Lord, to grow and learn in an anointed atmosphere like that which is created at these ministry schools.

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